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JS-MD 3 15/18m Rapture

Top performance in the FAI 15m and 18m class

OverviewTechnical Data

Engineers Atti Jonker and Johan Bosman thought about a new glider in the 15m class for quite a while. They realised that getting that extra bit of performance could be achieved by the extensive use of computational fluid dynamics, thus allowing for the optimisation of both the airfoil and the seperate components and their interactions in a much faster and more efficient way than provided by wind tunnel testing. The resulting aircraft is convincing, delivering an optimised L/D ratio, easy handling at all wing loads, good cockpit ergonomics, and crash security.


The integrated approach in developing the aircraft led to all parts being optimised during the design stage. This has led to a significant reduction in weight and a very high production precision. In fact the precision is so high that for the first time in sailplane construction components from different JS-MD 3 can be mixed without further ado.

The JS-MD 3 is a fully EASA certified aircraft in the 15 and 18m class and combines highest performance with the reliability of the M&D jet sustainer system. Come aboard and fly this characteristic and dynamic aircraft!

phone: + 49 (0) 44 65 – 9 78 78 – 0
mail: info(at)

Die JS3 kurz vor ihrem Erstflug. JS3 airborne.

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